Monday, March 15, 2010

You wouldn't get a loan to buy a car you don't like and won't use.

You wouldn't get a loan to buy a car you don't like and won't use, please don't vote on a Healthcare bill we do not like. There is a difference between these two points - it isn't the difference between taking out a loan for a car, or dipping into your saving account for health insurance, but who makes the decision. We all want cheaper and better health insurance, because our health system has many flaws and problems to it, also it is in our American dream that we deserve bigger and better no matter what the subject.
The Obama Administration and media for the most part are attacking "Nay" voters as Right-Wing Neo-Conservative Extremist. But the truth is that the democrats have the voters to pass a bill. The argument is that the Republicans now have 41 voters, but they do not explain that they already passed the HC bill when republican only had 40 votes the day prior to MA Senator Scot Brown was sworn in.
So what is the Problem? There is a conflict of interest between Liberals and Loyal Democrats. The Democrats want to pass the Dec 2009 bill that was passed in the Senate in the House: then to vote to make amendments to it. The argument is: Healthcare will not pass in the Senate again.
Well if i were strong Democrat who trusted the party: which they probably are trying to do, that would be enough for me. Support the bill, and change it, right?
Americans have two general options
1.) Democratic View: Spend a lot of money, get a lot of stuff done.
2.) Republican View: Spend little money, and try to fix some of the problems.

Obviously 2 extremes.
The Obama Compromise? Spend a lot of money, and try to fix some of the problems.
The curent bill not liked by: President Obama, his administration, the house, the democratic voter block, and American public.

The Liberals in the Party want to see a Public Option, as well and increased Medicare and abortions. Without the Public option a trillion plus dollar healthcare bill isn't going to bring in much results.
The Blue-dog Conservatives and some moderate Democrats want to see less spending, and abortion limitations.
So if we trust that the Obama Administration to pass a near 2trillion dollar health care bill on a bill that both Liberal and Conservatives agree are at the very point of moderation between the two school of thought that it wouldn't help but hurt the healthcare situation in the country; and we try to amend the bill after it is signed into law, then how does the bill get amended?
The senate says they can't vote on a better bill now as it is? How do we amend it if it will be voted down in the senate? The Argument to pass the bill is simply just that of - YES WE CAN pass this bill, not a VOTE FOR CHANGE.

I actually have something in the works: I have been doing my own political surveys: I found a way to survey the "stereo typical" person who was either a independents, swing voters, and young voters from the past 2008 election to get their opinions on the job of the president, and healthcare.
I am about half way done my goal of surveys: and i am actually shocked with some of my results and many of the conversation with real Americans most of which are frustrated right now with the entire political spectrum.