Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dave Argall - Pay Raise

There is no doubt that the overnight pay raise as it is remembered was a mistake for Dave Argall to vote with. As people remember: Dave along with a majority of representatives had voted to increase their pay and pensions over night.

Some have even accused Dave are heading up the bill, and lobbying for votes on the bill. Not true.

Dave voted along with the bill, but remains one of just a few members to vote for the bill, whom are still alive in today’s political environment. Within 4 months this pay raise was repealed. Dave Argall and Sam Rohrer co-wrote a bill which would repeal almost every part of the bill. The pay raise and the pension. But this does not explain why the bill went through in the first place.

There were several problems which were attempted to be address by this horrific bill, One was to increase the salary of law makers which had not been adjusted in over 20 years, likewise the pension which wasn't adjusted since shortly after its fund was created. But this is as deep as most people know about or remember.

The local Federal Judges and District Attorney’s salaries are capped based on this pay, without a pay increase here, other salaries could not be raised. At the time of this vote a majority of PA voters were unhappy that such people were not being paid accordingly.

Although in the end of the final bill representatives were allowed to keep 7,000, many of them did not. Dave Argall did not accept this money.

If Dave made this mistake, what will stop him from making similar mistakes again? One thing to remember is that Dave lead the charge to repeal the bill, and he didn’t stop until the bill was successful! He also passed legislation which blocked the state house from voting on bills after 11pm. On top of this he passed a bill which required law makers to not vote on a bill until 24hrs after they had received the bill in which they were voting on. In many states and in Congress these are some laws that need to be put into practice. If we send Dave Argall to Congress, we know he will:
1. Represent Us.
2. Learn from his mistakes.
3. Admit his mistakes.
4. Fight to correct injustice.
5. Push for Common sense laws and practices in Washington.

In 18 years we have continued to get the same things from Tim Holden! He says he is conservative, yet when his vote is needed he votes with his party. He has done so 11 times alone on the issue of Abortion since Aug 2007! He has voted for almost every pet project of government waste projects 97% over the past 2 years! We need to send someone to congress who knows the money they are spending is OURS NOT THEIRS!

PA-17 has better option on Tuesday!

PA Sen. Dave Argall (R) challenges 18year Congressman Tim Holden. (D)
Both candidates represent Schuylkill County, a county which has not been represented by a republican in the house of representatives since the 1960's!

Tim Holden has been in office for 18 years as a congressmen, and has touted a pro-life rating of 100% up until 2006. In August 2007 according to National Right to Life, Tim Holden soiled his pro-life record be voting against the Pro-life movement for the very first time. Since then he has been going back and forth across the fence voting pro-choice on 10 additional occasions. More importantly on 3 separate occassions he would have been the deciding vote to block pro-choice legislation and opted out of voting. Dave on the other hand has been fighting for pro-life legislation.

Term Limits:
Tim once fought had for term limits, now that he has been in office for 18 years, he is no longer in favor of term limits, which is one of the campaign promises he swore to fight for 18 years ago. Dave Argall on the other hand supports term limits and agrees with what Tim had started 18 years ago, without limits the legislators become disconnected with the people and eventually become corrupt.

According to Citizens Against Government Waste: Tim Holden has a 3% for voting against Wasteful spending in congress since 2009. This brings his career down to only 18% which puts him on the bottom tier of candidates for preventing Government waste. Meanwhile Dave Argall was just one of a few Republicans in the State senate to vote against the PA state budget for 2010, saying there is too much spending waste in the bill, and recently the many Democrats in Governors executive branch are predicting that there isn't enough of money to cover the budget, and this is why Rendell attacked Corbett claiming that he will have to raise taxes.

Blue-Dog & Fiscal Spending:
Holden calls himself a “Blue-dog” Fiscal conservative Democrat - which is an organized coalition within the Democratic party to reduce out of control spending, it was created in 1994 to be the middleman between Liberal Democrats, and Republicans in congress. However Tim was the first Blue-dog who voted for the Stimulus package without any pressure from Democratic Leaders in congress. Just 2 weeks ago Holden made the front page of the Republican Herald for being the deciding vote and only Blue-dog to vote to adjure session and come home early which will allow the Bush Tax cuts to expire. With this vote: Holden now is over 96% in line with Nancy Pelosi since she had taken over the Speaker roll. Dave Argall has always been fiscally conservative, he supports a balanced budget, and even headed a team to find hidden spending in the state budget.

Size of Government & Health care:
Tim Holden once represented us, but over the last several years he has begun to represent the Liberal Agenda of NY and CA. Dave on the other hand is in favor of Smaller role in Government, repealing the health care bill to work out compromise where necessary. Tim Holden on the other hand voted Against the final bill once it had obtained the needed votes to pass, but previously he voted “yes” 4 times to allow the bill up for vote rather than to hold off longer and look for common ground between the two parties. He also has voted several times since to uphold challenged portions of the Health Care Law, and has refused to sign the Petition in Congress to repeal the bill, to work on a more effective compromise.

Boarders & Security:
Dave Argall supports the Arizona Immigration Law and supported Legislation in the state which would fight against Illegal immigrants for living and working in PA, the bill would focus on Employers who hire workers without any proof of citizenship, as well as push to convict Aliens who are under arrest for other crimes to be sent back to the country in which they have immigrated from. Including countries around the world, nor just from the south. Tim once criticized the Obama Administration for getting involved in Hazleton PA, for getting involved with local issues; but now would not commit to legislation designed to protect our boarders.

On many issues the choice is pretty clear, if you are Conservative or Liberal you may see a huge contrast between the candidates.
I hope this information is Helpful!

Volunteer for Argall for Congress

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blue Dog Coalition ~ Tail of Fiscal Conservative Reform

Nine term Congressman Tim Holden on PA-17 is a member of the Fiscal conservative Democrat Blue-dog coalition - which is an organized coalition within the Democratic party to reduce out of control spending. Created in 1994 it was to become the middleman between Liberal Democrats, and Republicans in congress.

Tim Holden was one of the first Blue-dogs who voted for the Stimulus package without any pressure from Democratic Leaders in congress. How is increasing debt going to help out economy?

According to Citizens Against Government Waste: Tim Holden has a 3% for voting against Wasteful spending in congress since 2009. This brings his career down to only 18% which puts him on the bottom tear of candidates for preventing Government waste. What happened to being fiscally responsible?

Just 2 weeks ago Holden made the front page of the Republican Herald for being the deciding vote and only Blue-dog to vote to adjure session and come home early; which will allow the Bush Tax cuts to expire. How will this tax increase on many businesses help companies expand and hire new workers, with our unemployment at 9.6%?

Tim Holden voted himself a pay raise 4 times, and even when he did not, he still accepted the money. From 97-2009 Tim’s salary has increased nearly 40K!

Tim has been in office for 18 years touting a pro-life rating of 100% up until 2006. In August 2007 according to National Right to Life, Tim Holden soiled his pro-life record be voting against the Pro-life movement for the very first time. Since then he has been going back and forth across the fence voting pro-choice on 10 additional occasions. More importantly on 3 separate occasions he would have been the deciding vote to either block pro-choice legislation or to support pro-life legislation and opted out of voting.

Holden now is over 96% in line with Speaker Nancy Pelosi since she had taken over the Speaker roll. How is this moderating between the two parties?

It is time that the Conservative on the PA-17th district stand up in unity behind a true Conservative. State Senator Dave Argall has proven time and time again that he is a true Conservative. He was one of a just a select few senators to vote against the current state budget because of the millions of dollars of wasteful spending! Now the budget looks to be under funded. He is pro life, and in favor of term limits. He signed a pledge not to raise taxes. He is in favor of the Bush tax cuts, and would like to find a way to make taxes more fair. When he has made mistakes in the past, he went and corrected them. Many politicians give themselves pay raises, but how many of them go and repeal the pay raise before it comes into effect? Not many.
It is time we send someone to Washington who will represent US, and NOT Nancy Pelosi!


Polling is key

Based off of some Face Book advertisement poll I clicked on, i would be 77% support of Florida Independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist and 69% in support of Tea Party Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio. Democratic candidate Meek wouldn't reach high enough for it to give me a percentage.

I think the polled questioned heavily asked about Libertarian questions in which neither candidate scored high on, but were designed to give points to Meek and Crist depending on how you voted. I do not know. Trust is a huge factor for me, and that is not measured on a poll, with the fact Crist has changed his mind about several key issues to me i think these same questions may be a different outcome next month. so i would lean towards Rubio if i were voting in FL.

I've mentioned this months ago - Polling is designed to get voters to agree with the pollster, not the get the opinion of the person being polled.

Today i got a phone call from OTR (later i researched to find out this was Yale, and this was an official Quinnipiac Poll for PA)

They asked me my name. Asked me if i still lived at such and such college dorm address, i can not believe you are calling me on my cell phone and asking me if i live in the same dorm room as i did 2 years ago -- address. Of course, i said yes. Because this lie right here is what makes polling great. You just never know who or what you are calling.

They asked me if me or my family worked for any elected official, are working on any campaigns, or work for the news media. (don’t say yes, don’t say yes) Yes I said.

They thanked me for my time and told me that was the conclusion of the poll. I asked them quick enough to prevent them from hanging up, that if i said no would they have asked me about the upcoming election (obviously) they said yes. This is the simplified version actually: the truth is, there was a lot of “umms” and pauses and awkward fumbles and slip up on her end, she did not feel comfortable on the phone calling me, and i not her. This poll came off as amateur. Will be more than interested in finding out the outcome of this poll over the next few days.

I was listening in on, trying to see if i recognized a voice in the background from the blocked number that had called my cell phone, believing at first that it may have been a local political hack.

Here is a point: This group was getting cell phone numbers from out dated college dorm rooms. As far as i know that dorm building is either being torn down, or this is its last year. But on the flip side some pollsters don’t even call cell phones at all, and the Liberal media points out that there is a 4% advantage of Democrats to Republicans using cell phones. I think part of the advantage might just be the fact that younger people might pick up blocked phone calls without screening the call. But who knows, someone will figure out what the ratio of landline and cell phone is per district and also try to factor that in which everything else when manipulating the numbers of a poll.