Thursday, October 14, 2010

Polling is key

Based off of some Face Book advertisement poll I clicked on, i would be 77% support of Florida Independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist and 69% in support of Tea Party Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio. Democratic candidate Meek wouldn't reach high enough for it to give me a percentage.

I think the polled questioned heavily asked about Libertarian questions in which neither candidate scored high on, but were designed to give points to Meek and Crist depending on how you voted. I do not know. Trust is a huge factor for me, and that is not measured on a poll, with the fact Crist has changed his mind about several key issues to me i think these same questions may be a different outcome next month. so i would lean towards Rubio if i were voting in FL.

I've mentioned this months ago - Polling is designed to get voters to agree with the pollster, not the get the opinion of the person being polled.

Today i got a phone call from OTR (later i researched to find out this was Yale, and this was an official Quinnipiac Poll for PA)

They asked me my name. Asked me if i still lived at such and such college dorm address, i can not believe you are calling me on my cell phone and asking me if i live in the same dorm room as i did 2 years ago -- address. Of course, i said yes. Because this lie right here is what makes polling great. You just never know who or what you are calling.

They asked me if me or my family worked for any elected official, are working on any campaigns, or work for the news media. (don’t say yes, don’t say yes) Yes I said.

They thanked me for my time and told me that was the conclusion of the poll. I asked them quick enough to prevent them from hanging up, that if i said no would they have asked me about the upcoming election (obviously) they said yes. This is the simplified version actually: the truth is, there was a lot of “umms” and pauses and awkward fumbles and slip up on her end, she did not feel comfortable on the phone calling me, and i not her. This poll came off as amateur. Will be more than interested in finding out the outcome of this poll over the next few days.

I was listening in on, trying to see if i recognized a voice in the background from the blocked number that had called my cell phone, believing at first that it may have been a local political hack.

Here is a point: This group was getting cell phone numbers from out dated college dorm rooms. As far as i know that dorm building is either being torn down, or this is its last year. But on the flip side some pollsters don’t even call cell phones at all, and the Liberal media points out that there is a 4% advantage of Democrats to Republicans using cell phones. I think part of the advantage might just be the fact that younger people might pick up blocked phone calls without screening the call. But who knows, someone will figure out what the ratio of landline and cell phone is per district and also try to factor that in which everything else when manipulating the numbers of a poll.