Saturday, January 23, 2010

This week there is just so much going on in our Law and Political Governing system, that once again; I need to push back my intended material, and focus on a recent national event.

Thursday's Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Its rear that the Supreme Court actually decides on cases, but when they do they usually pick a few at a time and over a few week span may vote on more than one, and that is what is happening right now.

In this case, it was a case to allow the government from limiting businesses and organizations form hiring workers such as writers and authors who support one candidate or political party over the other, also it would allow books from being black listed on book clubs and libraries.

How did the Supreme Court Vote to protect the freedom of speech?

They voted to uphold the current 1st amendment, of course right? They did, but it wasn't that clean of a break. The court voted in favor 5-4 to keep the 1st amendment intake. The four justices who consider themselves as "liberal" all voted "NO". Why would the Political mind who controls the White House, Both congresses and a majority in the Supreme Court want to give more power to the Government and less to the American people?
You can figure it out: Have you ever studied the Soviet political cue? The "revolution' that turned the USSR into a 180 degree turn? Study the USSR, and compare it with the Leftist or SR's in our political Left. I dare you.