Friday, February 5, 2010

Gov Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Movement

     Yesterday was the first day of the Tea Party Convention. Small in numbers due to outrageous ticket prices, but isn’t that expected if the group trying to pull 15 different chapters all called “Tea Party” together? Including Tax Day Tea Party, Pinellas Patriots, 9/12 Tea Party Patriots, as well as other American, Independent, Liberty, Constitutional, and State Tea Parties. Maybe not.

     If you can afford to pay 549.00 a ticket, or 349.00 to see the main speaker than I guess it is more of a fundraising event for exclusive members in order to raise money for the rest of the group? I simply do not know for sure. But if there is any time to start fundraising money besides over the internet now is an excellent time to start: election are only in 9 months. [just enough time to get knocked up and have a baby]

     One of yesterday’s biggest hits from the Far Left was attacking the involvement of Gov Sarah Palin, who was the main speaker during the first night. It is no surprise that there are a lot of Palin supporters who would rather see her on the bottom of a presidential ticket rather than on top, but this shouldn’t limit her from endorsing and helping a political movement. Isn’t that the point of a movement, to get the governing officials and advocates in line with the people? YES.

     The media is calling Palin and the Tea Party the Split and destruction of the Republican Party. Lets stop right there for a moment - Did the Democrats warn President G W Bush when he signed the No Child Left Behind Act (which was a water down version of the Democratic legislation written up) that it would destroy the Republican Party image? No they did not. Did they warm President Bush that his Stimulus Package he signed was too little, too late and that it would make it almost impossible for John McCain during the 2008 election (even though the Obama Administration controlled about half of that money and signed in a second Stimulus Package just a few months later) and Republicans across the country to get elected? NO!

     Then why would Democratic Leaders Warn Republicans that getting involved with a civilian lead political movement is going to destroy their Political Party? Isn’t that what they want? Indeed that is what the Progressives want. Remember the Progressives?

     The Progressives were such a force that they had actually split from the Democratic Party and ran candidates under several different Democratic-Progressive 3rd Party bids for office during Presidential elections.

     Its hard to imagine that the Progressive Party ended the means of the Democratic Party, splitting it in two and allowing Republicans to take forever unpreventable control of the Government for the past several decades, because that did not happen. The Progressive Era was exactly the same Re-aligning shift in the Democratic Party then, as the Tea Party movement has been breached by the Republican Party today.

     Just over the past 9 years the Democrats have been telling the Republicans that it is time to re-invent themselves because Americans are seeing the comparisons clearly between the two parties. They were telling Republicans to shift closer to the center for two reasons:

  1. Anger Moderate Republicans who are already irritated with the GOP, and silently encouraging them and especially voters to jump ship.
  2. To cause Conservative Republicans more grief in how the “good old boys” are destroying the Republican Party Platform, to discourage them from affiliating with the Party.

     Lets make some comparisons to the Progressive Leadership who controlled the Democratic Process over the Years. Remember 1980: Young Progressive-Liberal Senator Ted (Edward) Kennedy was fighting the Democratic Party, trying to change the rules along the process to defeat Jimmy Carter to take his bid and control of the direction of the Democratic Party. 30 years later: the man was known as: The Lion in the Senate, the man who had Liberalized the Party and shifted it to the left, who had pushed President Obama over Senator H R Clinton in the 2008 election. Prior to this race in 1980 he was just the youngest Kennedy with the least experience or clout.

        That might be it! Liberals are worried! They see Palin as the candidate who is willing to allow the people to change the Republican Party, Like Ted Kennedy did in the Democratic Party 30 years earlier. Maybe we will see the Government of Power turn into the Government of the People! Could it be that with time, experience, and exposure that Sarah Palin could become a modern day political icon? You Betcha!