It is a shame that the latest tragedy in Tucson where a Congresswoman and a federal judge were the targets of what is now being called a terrorist attack from within. Many were killed, and many more wounded. The Congresswoman is on of the survivors, after being shot in the head and going through surgery she is now breathing on her own and moving here arms. She is still is critical condition.
Who is the Target? The Tea-Party, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh.
Sarah Palin used cross-hair targets on her website on districts which were races the tea party supported figure was supporting republicans to aim at seats they normally would not seriously challenge in 2010. Gifford’s seat was one of the seats selected, however Gifford escaped with reelection. The Far Left media wanted to push the story as if she won reelection only to loss her life. But she is fighting, and holding on, making small recovery each day, and the longer she is in the hospital alive, the more real information which comes out.
Rush Limbaugh gets attacked every time something happens in the media, because he is out spoken, and if you disagree with the left media and the white house they like to sum you into all of the problems from within the political party of your background. No evidence against Rush, just accusations to try to get him off the radio.
The Tea-Party is summed in here, because wouldn't a white young male with a gun, who is targeting a democratic congresswoman for murder have to be a Tea-Partier? Isn't that an off the wall stereo type?
Who committed the crime? Jared Loughner of AZ, a first registered Democrat, who changed his registration in 2006 prior to voting to Independent and is on record for voting in both 2006 and 2008. In 2010, the year of the Tea Party, Jared did not vote. His family describe him as an independent liberal. Meanwhile Congresswoman Gifford describes herself in her home state as a conservative democrat.
According to Jared’s friends: he is anti-gun, he is reported to recently saying to a group of his friends that he would do what ever it took for our government to get rid of guns. (notice only the local media reports this) the national media is out attacking the Far-Right, because why else would a young man shoot to kill a Democratic congresswoman? CNN and MSNBC broke the story when the news first aired that Jared was a Tea-partier. But that can be recovered by anyone who knows him, that he is anything there but.
Since this shooting Congress has begun writing up and passing laws for their own protection. Isn't that strange they worry about their own protection but do little for us. Reminds me of all the times they get pay increases, and increased benefits. Or when they first gave themselves the best heath-care in the world, yet what do we have?
Congress is even pushing a Bill that would remove crosshairs as a symbol to be used in reference with political figures and their districts, and in campaigns. They have been accusing the republicans and tea partiers for being the problem here.
Here are just 3 examples of Democrat Senate races where crosshairs were used in their ads 2010.
- Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) against Tea Partier Sharron Angle ®
- Glassman (D) nominee against Tea Partier JD Hayworth® who lost in the primary against incumbent Senator John McCain ®.
- Senator Manchin (D), (then governor of WV) against John Raese ® nominee.
This is not a party issue, and this is not a tragedy to be politicizing!
The Democrats are trying to use this story as they do every story including the Gulf oil Spill for their own glory to attack the Republican party and Tea Party movements to push Liberal legislation. (the oil spill turned sour on the white house) Pres. Obama has given speeches about decreased ammunition, and other regulations, and tougher for people to become licensed to carry firearms.
What is the media frenzy really about? With the ACLU (of all people ) joining up with the NRA, against the Administrations agenda, the government is trying to find away to enforce new strict gun laws. They are just one step closer to taking our guns.
We have become the targets in the crosshairs. We The People. We have a majority in the supreme court who oppose fire arms and are more politically keen to vote in favor of limiting gun rights than ever before.