Friday, April 22, 2011

My Political Platform

I have struggled to keep my Constitutional - Christian - Conservative perspective on important issues, while also trying to find moderate ideas to pull everyone together without compromising.  This very idea goes against the very ideas of Politics i know. Being an Independent-Conservative one day, to a Jefferson-Libertarian or an American-Constitutionalist the next; i think the very similar but different ideas and approaches have really begun to mature ideas of personal liberties as well as my reflection of the role of governments interaction.

Government is not necessarily evil, but a world with too much or too little can result in no liberties or mob rule.

If i were to have made this platform last year my answers would be more "mainline" conservative, and my strays away from the "far" right would be minor. Most of which would not be and continue not be high enough priority to be mentioned on my list at this time. 

My Political Platform For Office:

      Term limits:
I agree with the notion of term limits but i feel strongly that a 12 year limit is too short of a combination of house and senate, was leaning towards 18 years. However I also think term limits should be placed everywhere in government, including state and local levels.
      Medicare & Medicaid:
Needs to be trimmed and reformed, limit wasteful spending, and doctor limitations. If the government is going to cover the cost, it also needs provide excellent care.
      Social Security:
Needs to be trimmed down considerably, however security needs to be put in place in order to protect those who have be put money into it. But for those who have never put money into it, regardless of the situation need to be cut back considerably. Federal Politicians need to be taxed and no longer exempt from paying into SS, yet being allowed to collect from it.
      Federal Reserve & IRS:
We need to "End The Fed!" We need to stop the Fed from printing money and "buying" our debt with inflation taxsation.
We need to draw up a tax plan similar to the current “Fair Tax” program. Although the tax plan is designed to keep total taxes lower by reducing processing fees for collecting taxes, and reaches out and taxes people with illegal incomes it still has flaws. But threatens the likelihood of a black-market of tax invasion. However a Flat tax will reach out to all citizens, but will not collect taxes from undocumented citizens. What we need to do is have a low flat tax for all Americans, and fair tax on sales in lower levels in order to prevent taxes from being as much of a burden. Tax credits which are on high end goods and services need to be scrapped since they are designed and upheld by the Top class exclusively.
We need to reduce the size of our Military complex, but only minimally. Where we need to improve is our wasteful spending for entertainment and other spending sprees which do not include food or equipment for our soldiers. We need to speak softly and carry a big stick. No more air raids, and causing bigger problems for future Administrations and Americans to deal with. Our presence all over the World has lead to the attacks on 9/11 because people generally hate out image.
      Public Service Pay:
In order to be a Service man, you need to provide services for the greater good of the people, not collect from them. All Pay on Congressional and Executive and Judicial levels need to be cut in half of current salaries. Pay raises no longer be voted by those who directly benefit directly from the increase. The raise should be an automatic trigger only to compensate for gross adjustment with inflation. If inflation goes down, so does the pay. The minimum pay should be at 40% of current average pay. Maximum should be capped at 60% of current pay. Any provisions to over ride these limitations can only be over turned by a simple majority of a provision on the General Election Ballot for congressional election years. State and local governments should follow suit.
      Bailouts & Stimulus:
Stimulus should be limited to tax breaks, and tax credits period.
Bailouts cannot be a simple answer. There needs to be approval by 2/3 House, and 60 votes in Senate in order for the President of the United States to give out Bail outs. The Fed can no longer Bailout the government.
      Woman’s Health & Abortion:
Abortion can only be used as a medical procedure to save the life of the mother, but only in time of need. All funds for abortions should be cut immediately, because abortion should be an illegal form of birth control. Woman should be allowed to get birth control for free or at reduced cost pending on income. Including and not limited to hormone and non hormone methods. This would save the country billions each year, and reduce the trauma of abortion dramatically. Surgery or an abortions still may be needed for ectopic pregnancy while dealing with birth control.
      Drugs & Alcohol:
Marijuana will soon be legal, and young people rich and poor, republican and democrats are all active in this lifestyle. Our government spends more money prisoners for possessing drugs, than every other crime combined. Our cost in prisons are only going up, and we are building more and more prisons. We need to make stricter laws on Drugs for those who are dealing drugs, but we need to consider getting into the Marijuana business, just like many other major countries around the world. Marijuana can be regulated, somewhat controlled, and taxed. Weed needs to be included with Alcohol as a DUI test. Marijuana legal age should be 21. Alcohol will remain at 21, but for active military personnel stationed over seas should be following the laws of the foreign Country. This may or may not lower the drinking age.
It is important that we keep the Values of marriage, however many people get values and traditions confused with one another. The image of marriage already is not what it is suppose to be. The Biblical principles of marriage are already scrapped for most people. Which is why we need to push for a Covenant Marriage which holds up the Biblical marriages and takes the marriage the next religious and legal step to put limitations on divorce. I will leave the destiny of regular marriage in the hands of the reformers once Covenant marriage is established Nationwide.