Friday, June 17, 2011

2012 is taking shape, but the GOP didnt get the message

We have seen the likes of Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump each head the top of 2012 GOP polling, than we saw candidates like Barbour and Daniels each get motivation to run, and with some incentive they reclined. Sarah Palin hasn't made a move since stepping down from governor, until she recently went on a East coast bus tour. The attention really never sparked, but those who met her is low places did give her high favorable numbers than before she did the tour. Recently the establishment and the business republicans have merged together, again. Its like carbonated water mixed with syrup on a soda machine. They go together every election, and as candidates drop and the playing field changes they too jump from candidate to candidate to prevent the common man's candidate from getting the nomination.

The flock has swarmed over Mitt Romney, in scattering polls, Herman Cane a Tea Party darling in the south, and former CEO to turn around several companies known for Godfather's Pizza and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann our latest official entry have been picking up the support of different conservative and independent voters. In one Poll Cain hit 17% and w/o Palin reached 20%, meanwhile a few days later in a poll which did not include Palin, Bachmann reached 19%. This is the just the beginning: Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been slowly ticking and has reached up to 13% in a poll last month, and for Sen. Rick Santorum has finally reached outside of the 2-4% tile in a poll placing him with 6%.

What do we know? nothing and everything at the same time. We know that Mayor Giuliani is considering a run and has polled well, even outing Romney in 1 poll. We know Gov Rick Perry is considering a run where he may get the support he needs to be competitive against Romney. We know Christ Christie continues to poll better than the entire field, and ahead or even with President Obama.

We also know that Giuliani met with both Perry and Christie this week. We knew from Christie that he is 100% not running; after finding several sources saying one of them will be.

Another thing is that Palin recently talked Bachmann up in her debate in NH, but stopped there to say the field wasn't formed yet. Huckabee refused to make any endorsements with the current field, or current prospective field because he too said others are coming. Are Huckabee and Palin sitting out for someone? Are they in the circle to know if either Perry or Giuliani is running? Palin may find herself supporting Perry, but Huckabee not so fast.

One thing is for sure, across the internet the GOP establishment and insiders are trying to lock up the deal between the voters and Mitt Romney before the facts come out attacking him over his business experiences, his personal life, religion, political flip-flops, his liberal stances.

What is worse is that the media isn't exposing the light on this other than when they try to sell a story. RealClearPolitics finally that Romney took the lead on there Polling has updated the graphics and polling data but they have failed big time to release accurate polling numbers. One example I will give is PPP(D) polling; they have almost always had several polls, 1 with a list of candidates and on the same sample offered an alternate version w/o a selected candidate such as Huckabee who ended up not running. RCP continues to use the polling numbers from the polling which included Huckabee, Trump, Daniels, Barbour and has not replaced them with any polling which were more accurate which did not have them. Especially the polling w/o Huckabee or Trump which would be most accurate since they both dropped out of the race within days of each other. By simply just using the original polling data and erasing support you are heavily altering the accuracy of the data and removing voter blocks. Which blocks? Evangelical, Born-again, Christian, conservative, independent voices. This will get worse if Palin decides not to run.

If the Tea Party and Conservatives are not fooled by this, we will see a Conservative step up who is independently minded, and Romney will not represent the Far-left as the Republican nominee.