Friday, November 18, 2011

MY 2012 Health Care Plan: Real AND Replace

Since 2010, the economy has dipped lower, components of the Health Care bill have begun, and due to the HCB medical cost have increased through private insurance. There is a need not only for a REAL, but a common sense replacement which is logical. Here is my solution.

1. Repeal the Healthcare Bill
- which was signed into Law, it was rushed, compiled together with special interests, and handled irresponsibly.
2. Increase funding for Medicare and Medicaid by 12%.
3. Reduce wasteful and fraudulent spending in each by 10%.
4. Increase enrollment for eligibly for Medicare by 12% and Medicaid by 8%.
5. Increase Payment Medicare 10% and Medicaid 7%
- opposed to reducing the payment 27.4% in 2012 as per HCB.
- this would be fair to the Medical providers and  Market. It will help keep cost down for other patients, thus preventing more people to be without Health Care coverage.
6. Replace the HealthCare Bill with a Public-Option Temporary Health Coverage Plan.
7. Eliminate Tax Credits and Reduce Tax breaks.
8. Create 3 Public Plans, Plan A basic, Plan B dental, Plan C dental and vision. Each pro rated for single, couple, and family size plans.
9. Add the Tax Plan on the Federal Tax return
- if eligible for a tax return or credit, give the option to pick up the Public Health Coverage Plan in its place.
- this would eliminate cost of transferring money back and forth. Money would be directly spent on Health coverage for needy families. 
10. Attached on Previous Federal Tax Return
- this would be limited to those only on low income.
The Plan would be temporary, on a year to year basis. 

The Government will need to find ways to pay for this plan, it will NOT pay for itself, but it would be a much cheaper solution. It would prevent the government from owning a monopoly on the Health industry. It ensures people the freedom to make choices. Helps temporary provides needed assistance to families in need. All while putting in place a plan and program to control the unregulated medical yearly cost to the tax payer of unpaid Medical bills.

In 2010 the Democrat Senate wanted the Public Option, The Democratic House did not, the President wanted both systems. Is this something that can get support across the board? Provide Health Coverage, yet within bounds of fiscal constraints.
 - Voice of the Right Front 11/18/2011

Democrats can you support this?
Republicans can you support this?
Tea Party can you support this?
Libertarians can you support this?
Occupy Wall Street can you support this?
American can you work together?


Saturday, June 18, 2011

270 and win

   If you do not know by know The Presidential vote is not one which goes by a popular vote; but a vote which counts all the states based on senatorial representation, house representation - population count, and 3 votes to D.C. As of now 2 states split their congressional votes and give the overall winner the support from the senatorial vote count. Nebraska. Maine. A few other states have and may still be considering similar rulings, sine the election is up to each individual state to decide election laws and procedures. In the Recent Election in 2008 Nebraska gave 1 vote to Obama while McCain won the state overall, what you may not know is that Maine almost gave 1 vote to McCain in a close congressional district.

   The road to the WH for the GOP is interesting: I have tested 3 candidates and have found that all 3 have a good chance if today’s political environment stays fairly similar in 16 months, provided the Republican Nominee runs an average or above average campaign and does not see much of a split in the electorate.

   Provided that Republicans Nail down the Ohio, Florida vote as it looks like either candidate can each defeat Obama. If not Mitt Romney may be the only one so far to do so.

   The President is polling 3-4 points higher than his party, this is down from 5-10 points we have seen last year. The Generic Republican defeats Obama by 2-5 points or is tied with him, but no candidate reaches the success of the generic foe. By my calculations a Republican can defeat Obama even if nationally polled about 1.8 points below the President in a state by state vote. Obama defeated McCain by about 7 points but was less than 4 points away from clinching the nomination across the generic map. We see an above Republican year in 2012, but will it be enough to defeat Obama? Will it be enough to hold onto the House after it is redistricted? Will it be enough to capture the Senate? The answer to each of these questions - probably.

   If Mitt Romney is the Nominee he will have a slightly larger unhappy conservative split, but he will also have a larger Democrat-Independent poll. The only other candidate to reach similarities may be Rudy Giuliani if he decides to jump in to the race, and possibly Rick Perry to some extent.

    Mitt Romney -- should win in states like NH and Virginia, probably get 1 vote out of Maine, Keep all of Nebraska, and has a decent shot at winning Pennsylvania. He could defeat Obama in what would be considered a landslide, but not quite as impressive as the one we saw in 08".

   Michelle Bachmann -- can defeat Obama as well, She should be able to win in Iowa and North Carolina, probably will win in Wisconsin, and has a decent shot at winning her home state of Minnesota. She too could defeat margins similar or greater than Bush-Kerry.

     Herman Cain -- was my last candidate I have looked into, he has a decent shot at defeating Obama if presented as the Nominee. He should win in North Carolina, probably will win in Iowa, and could win in Virginia while keeping Nevada in play. With an excellent finish he could defeat Obama in a nail bitter.
    Each of these candidates have a path to victory, but if you take a deeper look everyone running believes they have a path to victory as well. One way to Obama to hold onto Oval Office is to Hold onto Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, NH. If the President does that he comes out the winner no matter who the GOP nominee is.

    One thing is for sure, Republicans made large gain in 2010 by capturing the independent vote, it was not a large turnout for the GOP faithful, but a huge turnout in irregular voters, many first time and first time in a decade. If the Republicans are going to win they will need to show unity with main street and independent. They need to reach out to the working class as well as the middle class.

   If the Tea Party movement does not break for the Republicans, and boost support in 3rd party candidates more so than it boost Republican gains than the Democratic ticket will have succeeded in turning the Tea Party and the Republican Party at odds with one another. Mitt Romney is the only Republic not fully dependent on the Tea Party - ONLY if his image alone continues to reach out to independents and moderate Democrats like he has shown. But like Reagan he can get elected this way, but can a lot of seats in Congress.

Friday, June 17, 2011

2012 is taking shape, but the GOP didnt get the message

We have seen the likes of Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump each head the top of 2012 GOP polling, than we saw candidates like Barbour and Daniels each get motivation to run, and with some incentive they reclined. Sarah Palin hasn't made a move since stepping down from governor, until she recently went on a East coast bus tour. The attention really never sparked, but those who met her is low places did give her high favorable numbers than before she did the tour. Recently the establishment and the business republicans have merged together, again. Its like carbonated water mixed with syrup on a soda machine. They go together every election, and as candidates drop and the playing field changes they too jump from candidate to candidate to prevent the common man's candidate from getting the nomination.

The flock has swarmed over Mitt Romney, in scattering polls, Herman Cane a Tea Party darling in the south, and former CEO to turn around several companies known for Godfather's Pizza and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann our latest official entry have been picking up the support of different conservative and independent voters. In one Poll Cain hit 17% and w/o Palin reached 20%, meanwhile a few days later in a poll which did not include Palin, Bachmann reached 19%. This is the just the beginning: Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been slowly ticking and has reached up to 13% in a poll last month, and for Sen. Rick Santorum has finally reached outside of the 2-4% tile in a poll placing him with 6%.

What do we know? nothing and everything at the same time. We know that Mayor Giuliani is considering a run and has polled well, even outing Romney in 1 poll. We know Gov Rick Perry is considering a run where he may get the support he needs to be competitive against Romney. We know Christ Christie continues to poll better than the entire field, and ahead or even with President Obama.

We also know that Giuliani met with both Perry and Christie this week. We knew from Christie that he is 100% not running; after finding several sources saying one of them will be.

Another thing is that Palin recently talked Bachmann up in her debate in NH, but stopped there to say the field wasn't formed yet. Huckabee refused to make any endorsements with the current field, or current prospective field because he too said others are coming. Are Huckabee and Palin sitting out for someone? Are they in the circle to know if either Perry or Giuliani is running? Palin may find herself supporting Perry, but Huckabee not so fast.

One thing is for sure, across the internet the GOP establishment and insiders are trying to lock up the deal between the voters and Mitt Romney before the facts come out attacking him over his business experiences, his personal life, religion, political flip-flops, his liberal stances.

What is worse is that the media isn't exposing the light on this other than when they try to sell a story. RealClearPolitics finally that Romney took the lead on there Polling has updated the graphics and polling data but they have failed big time to release accurate polling numbers. One example I will give is PPP(D) polling; they have almost always had several polls, 1 with a list of candidates and on the same sample offered an alternate version w/o a selected candidate such as Huckabee who ended up not running. RCP continues to use the polling numbers from the polling which included Huckabee, Trump, Daniels, Barbour and has not replaced them with any polling which were more accurate which did not have them. Especially the polling w/o Huckabee or Trump which would be most accurate since they both dropped out of the race within days of each other. By simply just using the original polling data and erasing support you are heavily altering the accuracy of the data and removing voter blocks. Which blocks? Evangelical, Born-again, Christian, conservative, independent voices. This will get worse if Palin decides not to run.

If the Tea Party and Conservatives are not fooled by this, we will see a Conservative step up who is independently minded, and Romney will not represent the Far-left as the Republican nominee.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Political Platform

I have struggled to keep my Constitutional - Christian - Conservative perspective on important issues, while also trying to find moderate ideas to pull everyone together without compromising.  This very idea goes against the very ideas of Politics i know. Being an Independent-Conservative one day, to a Jefferson-Libertarian or an American-Constitutionalist the next; i think the very similar but different ideas and approaches have really begun to mature ideas of personal liberties as well as my reflection of the role of governments interaction.

Government is not necessarily evil, but a world with too much or too little can result in no liberties or mob rule.

If i were to have made this platform last year my answers would be more "mainline" conservative, and my strays away from the "far" right would be minor. Most of which would not be and continue not be high enough priority to be mentioned on my list at this time. 

My Political Platform For Office:

      Term limits:
I agree with the notion of term limits but i feel strongly that a 12 year limit is too short of a combination of house and senate, was leaning towards 18 years. However I also think term limits should be placed everywhere in government, including state and local levels.
      Medicare & Medicaid:
Needs to be trimmed and reformed, limit wasteful spending, and doctor limitations. If the government is going to cover the cost, it also needs provide excellent care.
      Social Security:
Needs to be trimmed down considerably, however security needs to be put in place in order to protect those who have be put money into it. But for those who have never put money into it, regardless of the situation need to be cut back considerably. Federal Politicians need to be taxed and no longer exempt from paying into SS, yet being allowed to collect from it.
      Federal Reserve & IRS:
We need to "End The Fed!" We need to stop the Fed from printing money and "buying" our debt with inflation taxsation.
We need to draw up a tax plan similar to the current “Fair Tax” program. Although the tax plan is designed to keep total taxes lower by reducing processing fees for collecting taxes, and reaches out and taxes people with illegal incomes it still has flaws. But threatens the likelihood of a black-market of tax invasion. However a Flat tax will reach out to all citizens, but will not collect taxes from undocumented citizens. What we need to do is have a low flat tax for all Americans, and fair tax on sales in lower levels in order to prevent taxes from being as much of a burden. Tax credits which are on high end goods and services need to be scrapped since they are designed and upheld by the Top class exclusively.
We need to reduce the size of our Military complex, but only minimally. Where we need to improve is our wasteful spending for entertainment and other spending sprees which do not include food or equipment for our soldiers. We need to speak softly and carry a big stick. No more air raids, and causing bigger problems for future Administrations and Americans to deal with. Our presence all over the World has lead to the attacks on 9/11 because people generally hate out image.
      Public Service Pay:
In order to be a Service man, you need to provide services for the greater good of the people, not collect from them. All Pay on Congressional and Executive and Judicial levels need to be cut in half of current salaries. Pay raises no longer be voted by those who directly benefit directly from the increase. The raise should be an automatic trigger only to compensate for gross adjustment with inflation. If inflation goes down, so does the pay. The minimum pay should be at 40% of current average pay. Maximum should be capped at 60% of current pay. Any provisions to over ride these limitations can only be over turned by a simple majority of a provision on the General Election Ballot for congressional election years. State and local governments should follow suit.
      Bailouts & Stimulus:
Stimulus should be limited to tax breaks, and tax credits period.
Bailouts cannot be a simple answer. There needs to be approval by 2/3 House, and 60 votes in Senate in order for the President of the United States to give out Bail outs. The Fed can no longer Bailout the government.
      Woman’s Health & Abortion:
Abortion can only be used as a medical procedure to save the life of the mother, but only in time of need. All funds for abortions should be cut immediately, because abortion should be an illegal form of birth control. Woman should be allowed to get birth control for free or at reduced cost pending on income. Including and not limited to hormone and non hormone methods. This would save the country billions each year, and reduce the trauma of abortion dramatically. Surgery or an abortions still may be needed for ectopic pregnancy while dealing with birth control.
      Drugs & Alcohol:
Marijuana will soon be legal, and young people rich and poor, republican and democrats are all active in this lifestyle. Our government spends more money prisoners for possessing drugs, than every other crime combined. Our cost in prisons are only going up, and we are building more and more prisons. We need to make stricter laws on Drugs for those who are dealing drugs, but we need to consider getting into the Marijuana business, just like many other major countries around the world. Marijuana can be regulated, somewhat controlled, and taxed. Weed needs to be included with Alcohol as a DUI test. Marijuana legal age should be 21. Alcohol will remain at 21, but for active military personnel stationed over seas should be following the laws of the foreign Country. This may or may not lower the drinking age.
It is important that we keep the Values of marriage, however many people get values and traditions confused with one another. The image of marriage already is not what it is suppose to be. The Biblical principles of marriage are already scrapped for most people. Which is why we need to push for a Covenant Marriage which holds up the Biblical marriages and takes the marriage the next religious and legal step to put limitations on divorce. I will leave the destiny of regular marriage in the hands of the reformers once Covenant marriage is established Nationwide.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

( ( ( (o) ) ) ) Target practice

It is a shame that the latest tragedy in Tucson where a Congresswoman and a federal judge were the targets of what is now being called a terrorist attack from within. Many were killed, and many more wounded. The Congresswoman is on of the survivors, after being shot in the head and going through surgery she is now breathing on her own and moving here arms. She is still is critical condition.

Who is the Target? The Tea-Party, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh.

Sarah Palin used cross-hair targets on her website on districts which were races the tea party supported figure was supporting republicans to aim at seats they normally would not seriously challenge in 2010. Gifford’s seat was one of the seats selected, however Gifford escaped with reelection. The Far Left media wanted to push the story as if she won reelection only to loss her life. But she is fighting, and holding on, making small recovery each day, and the longer she is in the hospital alive, the more real information which comes out.

Rush Limbaugh gets attacked every time something happens in the media, because he is out spoken, and if you disagree with the left media and the white house they like to sum you into all of the problems from within the political party of your background. No evidence against Rush, just accusations to try to get him off the radio.

The Tea-Party is summed in here, because wouldn't a white young male with a gun, who is targeting a democratic congresswoman for murder have to be a Tea-Partier? Isn't that an off the wall stereo type?

Who committed the crime? Jared Loughner of AZ, a first registered Democrat, who changed his registration in 2006 prior to voting to Independent and is on record for voting in both 2006 and 2008. In 2010, the year of the Tea Party, Jared did not vote. His family describe him as an independent liberal. Meanwhile Congresswoman Gifford describes herself in her home state as a conservative democrat.

According to Jared’s friends: he is anti-gun, he is reported to recently saying to a group of his friends that he would do what ever it took for our government to get rid of guns. (notice only the local media reports this) the national media is out attacking the Far-Right, because why else would a young man shoot to kill a Democratic congresswoman? CNN and MSNBC broke the story when the news first aired that Jared was a Tea-partier. But that can be recovered by anyone who knows him, that he is anything there but.

Since this shooting Congress has begun writing up and passing laws for their own protection. Isn't that strange they worry about their own protection but do little for us. Reminds me of all the times they get pay increases, and increased benefits. Or when they first gave themselves the best heath-care in the world, yet what do we have?

Congress is even pushing a Bill that would remove crosshairs as a symbol to be used in reference with political figures and their districts, and in campaigns. They have been accusing the republicans and tea partiers for being the problem here.

Here are just 3 examples of Democrat Senate races where crosshairs were used in their ads 2010.
- Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) against Tea Partier Sharron Angle ®
- Glassman (D) nominee against Tea Partier JD Hayworth® who lost in the primary against incumbent Senator John McCain ®.
- Senator Manchin (D), (then governor of WV) against John Raese ® nominee.

This is not a party issue, and this is not a tragedy to be politicizing!

The Democrats are trying to use this story as they do every story including the Gulf oil Spill for their own glory to attack the Republican party and Tea Party movements to push Liberal legislation. (the oil spill turned sour on the white house) Pres. Obama has given speeches about decreased ammunition, and other regulations, and tougher for people to become licensed to carry firearms.

What is the media frenzy really about? With the ACLU (of all people ) joining up with the NRA, against the Administrations agenda, the government is trying to find away to enforce new strict gun laws. They are just one step closer to taking our guns.

We have become the targets in the crosshairs. We The People. We have a majority in the supreme court who oppose fire arms and are more politically keen to vote in favor of limiting gun rights than ever before.

TSA: You have heard the stories.

So our government regulation for boarding an airline have changed greatly, pat-downs on the suspicious and metal detectors for all have gone a long way crossing over into the land of unforgiveness. Now travels boarding a plane must go through a magnetic radiation cell where they we will taking high-def x-ray images of the nude body. (already some celebrities images have been posted online) while they claim you are only being viewed by 1 person. yet they save each file.

Your alternate plan which makes this acceptable? A heavy pat down, which involves 3 separate pats to the front and back of your personal space, for a hold of 3 seconds, and the right to strip you immediately there in a crowded room if they have an suspicion or have any difficulty. (its been done to children, elderly people, wheelchair bound, and cancer patients).

Doesn’t look like much of a choice does it? The pat downs were enforced even more after a large protest against the TSA scanners, the idea from the government is to make the pat downs so grimy and discomforting that in the future you plan to simply just walk through the revealing scanners.

Here is the problem: radiation. Sickly, elderly and people with lots of exposure to radiation are forced to go to the pat-downs and here do not have a choice for a less invasive process. (so they not be stripped like animals in front of the travelers in line)

Here our first good news: the government is double downing after fighting hard for several months that there is nothing wrong with such processes (which they are exempt from) but now that airports are against them (probably due to decline in air traffic) the government is starting to take a new tone. Now instead of replacing all metal detectors with the TSA scanners, they are actually considering to remove most of the scanners in the airports.

No details were given. I am curious if they will spread them out as an alternate route for passengers to go through the lines much more speedily. Still invasive, but if they can get you to give up privacy for comfort they can break you into it slowly so you don’t even realize you are giving up your rights and freedom.

[conversation i stumbled across on a facebook wall]